🔥緊急開催🔥 Lex Ishimoto WORKSHOP


10代でブロードウェイミュージカル「Billy Elliot」全米ツアーの主役を務め、2017年にはアメリカンダンスアイドル「SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE」Season14で優勝✨
驚愕の身体能力とセンスで世界中の人々を魅了し続ける、Lex IshimotoのWORKSHOPが開催決定!


【 日程 】11/21 18:30-20:00
【 場所 】En Dance Studio SHIBUYA Ast
【 料金 】4,400 円















【 Date 】11/21 18:30-20:00
【 Place 】En Dance Studio SHIBUYA Ast
【 Price 】¥4,400-(tax)


【How to register】
(1) Members
Access My Page (click here) → Select “ Lex Ishimoto WORKSHOP” from Event Workshop Details → Make a reservation

Access My Page after registering as a virtual member (click here) → Select “ Lex Ishimoto WORKSHOP” from the event workshop details → Make a reservation

【 Notes 】

・Fees must be paid in advance. We do not accept payment by phone or verbally.
・Registration will begin 1 hour prior to the start of the lesson.

・No refunds will be made under any circumstances after payment has been made.

・If multiple tickets are purchased by mistake by the customer, we will not be able to refund any money, so please check in advance.

・Tickets are non-transferable.

・You are responsible for any theft. Please take care of your valuables.

・Applications will be closed when we reach capacity.

・In the unlikely event that the event is cancelled, participants will be refunded by EnPoint regardless of payment method.

・Parents will not be allowed to watch the WORKSHOP in the studio due to the progress of the WORKSHOP.

・Please check with the instructor if you would like a video of the WORKSHOP, as we are unable to give videos taken at the WORKSHOP directly from our staff to the participants.